About Me
- Name: NicaGirl
- Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, Veracruz, Nicaragua
My biggest passion in life is Nicaragua. Since May 2003 I have been a few times a year to stay at an orphanage in Veracruz, Masaya, Nicaragua, just outside of Managua. I fell in love with the kids at the orphanage and with the people of Nicaragua. Nicaraguans are the kindest, most generous, most warm-hearted people on earth! Through the course of my visits I have bonded with most of the kids and also have become best friends with two of the staff members of the orphanage. I really hope to move there someday. Si Dios quiere.
Previous Posts
- Sujapa, the other new girl at the orphanage. She...
- Volcán Concepción on Ometepe Island.
- Ivonne and me on the beach at Ometepe Island. Ye...
- The preschoolers dancing for Mother's Day. They we...
- Me in front of the statue of Augusto Sandino at L...
- Isamar, "my" kid at the orphanage, who is just ge...
- Fatima, playing with handpuppets (which, by the wa...
- Another cute one of Daniella, the new girl.
- Cristina, dancing at the school celebration for M...
- Coco, one of the kids at the orphanage. She was ...
At 20.6.06,
Anonymous said…
Meg your pictures are great as usual. I wish had the opportunity to meet Ivonne when we were there. My oldest son and I may travel there again in August for a couple of days. There is no consejo in June so Maryina's approval will have to wait until July. I wrote her a letter in spanish and mailed it to Valentina to give her once the adoption is approved and she can be told about it. It's exciting but we are having such a hard time being patient since we met her!
Hopefully she will be here before your next trip in December. I haven't heard from Lori about Catalina's adoption (from El Canyon) it was approved back in March. We are kind of making a time line based on her adoption to know what to expect
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