About Me
- Name: NicaGirl
- Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, Veracruz, Nicaragua
My biggest passion in life is Nicaragua. Since May 2003 I have been a few times a year to stay at an orphanage in Veracruz, Masaya, Nicaragua, just outside of Managua. I fell in love with the kids at the orphanage and with the people of Nicaragua. Nicaraguans are the kindest, most generous, most warm-hearted people on earth! Through the course of my visits I have bonded with most of the kids and also have become best friends with two of the staff members of the orphanage. I really hope to move there someday. Si Dios quiere.
Previous Posts
- Random Nicaragua Stuff
- New Job
- Ivonne, her husband Pancho and their daughter Andr...
- Sujapa, the other new girl at the orphanage. She...
- Volcán Concepción on Ometepe Island.
- Ivonne and me on the beach at Ometepe Island. Ye...
- The preschoolers dancing for Mother's Day. They we...
- Me in front of the statue of Augusto Sandino at L...
- Isamar, "my" kid at the orphanage, who is just ge...
- Fatima, playing with handpuppets (which, by the wa...
At 7.7.06,
JP and Jessica said…
YES!!! They ARE smoking crack!! I have still like 3 episodes of the 2nd season of Lost left to see (I saw the majority of the season thanks to pirated DVD NOT bought by me...).
Wow, interesting election stuff. We finally have a winner(?) here in Mexico - Felipe Calderon, of the Partido Accion Nacional. He would've been my choice had I been able to vote. The other candadate - Lopez Obrador - sounds a lot like Ortega (or should I say "Daniel") in Nicaragua. He's buddies with Castro and Chavez too. I'm not so keen on living in a potentially-turning-socialist country. But hopefully that threat is over. Now we just need to battle with a surge in the (political?) power of the Catholic Church brought on by Calderon. These elections VERY much remind me of the U.S. elections of 2 years ago - you have to vote for the lesser of two (or in Mexico three) evils, and it takes FOREVER to figure out who won, and when a decision IS made, the losers dispute it for days/months.
That's funny about calling presidential candidates by their first name! I was in Honduras a couple days after the elections there in December, and "Mel" won. I called him "Zelaya" one time, and people laughed and told me the president goes by "Mel."
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