Stuff From My Day

Well, I finally have gotten some of my pictures from my most recent trip to Nicaragua online. You can see them here: Nicaragua September 2005
I still have more that I need to add. I always end up with so many pictures when I am in Nicaragua. Seriously, I will go through 14 disposable cameras minimum plus a ton on my digital camera.
So I have 2 job interviews lined up for tomorrow and another one next Tuesday. Don't know if anything will come of them, but it can't hurt to check it out and see what else is out there. I hope I can sleep enough tonight so that I am not a walking zombie tomorrow. My first interview is at 10, which means I can sleep till 8 or even 8:30, but lately I have been dealing with major insomnia. I know it's stress and I know I really just need to lay this all at the foot of the Cross and leave it in God's hands, but I am not good at doing that. I am OK with laying it down, but I always pick it back up again. I don't know why I do it. Maybe it's a matter of not having enough faith, but I KNOW God is able and I believe His Word where He says He knows the plans He has for us, and that He has numbered all the hairs on our head and we are worth more than sparrows to Him. I believe all of that but I think it's because I am such a control freak that it's hard for me to give over that control, even when I know it's God and it's soooooo much better for Him to be in control than me. I just don't know why I have such a hard time putting that into practice.
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