Isamar's Birthday

Today I was very sad that I couldn't be in Nicaragua. It's Isamar's 13th Birthday. My sweet little girl is a TEENAGER now! I had really wanted to be there for her birthday and I know she had been hoping for that too, but it didn't work out this year. I am hoping and praynig that this time next year I will be in a financial position to be able to take an extended vacation in Nicaragua and spend Christmas with all the kids and be there for Isamar's birthday and the other kids who have December birthdays. It's looking a little more hopful for me to be able to go for a short time in January (just a week or two but that's okay, it'll be great to go at all!!). I am soooooo praying for that to happen. I miss the kids and my friends so much! Sometimes it physically hurts to think about how much they all mean to me and how much I wish I could spend more time with them.
Things are good, though. Work hasn't been horrible, I saw "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" on Friday night and really liked it and then I even found my Narnia Chronicles that I'd been tearing apart my house looking for and have started reading those again. And the mom of my favorite kid from the Nursery at church called me today and asked me to babysit on Saturday night. So that'll be cool. He is such a good baby. Very happy and esy going and his brother seems like a good kid too. I don't know his brother at all since I just take care of the infants on Sundays at church.
Tomorrow night is the Music Team Girls' party for all the female vocalists (not sure why we didn't include the guys. I think just because there aren't that many of them and they might be doing their own thing anyway). So it's a full and busy week. But tomorrow I get to sleep late because I am off. It's so wonderful to not have to set my alarm and to just wake up when I feel like waking up. I love that!
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