About Me
- Name: NicaGirl
- Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, Veracruz, Nicaragua
My biggest passion in life is Nicaragua. Since May 2003 I have been a few times a year to stay at an orphanage in Veracruz, Masaya, Nicaragua, just outside of Managua. I fell in love with the kids at the orphanage and with the people of Nicaragua. Nicaraguans are the kindest, most generous, most warm-hearted people on earth! Through the course of my visits I have bonded with most of the kids and also have become best friends with two of the staff members of the orphanage. I really hope to move there someday. Si Dios quiere.
Previous Posts
- This is Weird
- Naps are wonderful
- Stuff From My Day
- I do feel very blessed that I have really wonderfu...
- It's been a while
- 3 1/2 weeks to go
- Earthquake
- My best friend, Ivonne, and her little girl, Andre...
- 45 More Days ...
At 29.1.06,
Anonymous said…
Hi Meg, I live in Richmond and we are starting the process to adopt a little girl from Casa Bernabe, her name is Margina, she is 8 years old. Have you met her?
At 29.1.06,
NicaGirl said…
Oh my gosh!! I love Maryina! She is such a sweetie! That is so awesome that you are adopting her! I would love to be able to visit with her when you bring her to the States. Email me sometime and we'll chat! :) And blessings to you for adopting her!
How did you get involved with Casa? Do you know Shannon and Hatch?
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