Today was better

Today things were much better. I feel so incredibly blessed by the church community I get to be a part of. And God provided a few miracles so now I will be able to pay my bills and have a little left over in case of an emergency.
Last night I also got to talk with my best friend Ivonne for over an hour. We hadn't talked in a week so we had lots of catching up to do! I am very excited to get to see her and her family in just a few weeks. They are my Nicaraguan family. I've gotten to be friends with her husband, mom and sister as well, and her 3-year-old daughter Andreita is just the cutest kid EVER! They really welcome me in like family when I am there, cooking special meals for me as well as yummy Nicaraguan sweets. I can't wait to see them again! And of course all the kids! I miss them so much.
Right now my hands and fingers are totally wrinkled from washing about 3 jillion plastic candle holders. At church they asked for volunteers to take a bag or two of the candle holders home and wipe them out to get rid of the old wax. We're going to use them for our Christmas Eve service for the candle lighting part. Well, because I am so grateful for the help they gave me with my situation, I took 4 bags and another huge box of the candle holders. Yikes! I found that even when I wiped them out, it got rid of the big chunks of wax but there was still a yucky film left behind. And Jesus deserves to have clean candle holders for His birthday, so I just decided to go ahead and wash them all out by hand. I've gotten through 3 bags so far but still have another bag and the whole box. I am hoping to have them all done by Sunday but I am not sure how much more I can get through tonight b/c my back is really starting to hurt, and then tomorrow I am babysitting and I don't know how late. Hopefully they won't mind if I get them in by Tuesday.
Had lunch with my boss today at work. When you reach your 5-year milestone with the company you get to pick a gift from the catalog (I am getting a camera) and your manager also treats you to lunch. My 5-year anniversary was actually back in October but today was the lunch day. It was pretty nice. We actually had a very pleasant and enjoyable conversation. My boss can be a very nice person, she just intimidates the heck out of me as a manager. When it comes to non-work stuff she's really very nice.
Speaking of lunch, I just realized I haven't eaten since then, other than a few crackers. I should probably find something for dinner and then get back to work on those candleholders. Good times.
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