These are a few pictures of my neighborhood after Tropical Storm Ernesto came through overnight and this morning. I couldn't get my car out of my driveway this morning to go to work, and it's a good thing I didn't try because a few hours later, the water was really deep. I pulled my car up in my driveway, all the way up to my front steps, and now the water is almost up to my back tires. I think the rain is over, so at least the water shouldn't be rising any more. But hopefully it will go back down so I can get out of my neighborhood tomorrow. What a mess!
At 2.9.06,
JP and Jessica said…
Thanks Meg! I enjoy reading your blog too, although it may only be every once in a while. Wow, your flood was way worse than ours!! I don't live near where the huricane was more or less by Mexico. I am north of Mexico City, and about the same distance from both coasts, so hurricanes just give us a bit more rain than normal (so I've heard). And the rain we did have was called the worst rain in three years (which was when the house I live in now flooded), so we are pretty sure we're safe from flood damage.
Wow, I'm really sorry your house got robbed. That sucks. I hope that you had your favorite Nicaragua pictures on your computer or something... If someone stole CDs of my pictures, I think that would be the worst thing they could take! Glad that things are getting back under control.
At 3.9.06,
Anonymous said…
Hey Meg, we had some bad areas around Richmond but not as widespread as in your area. Some folks were just getting back on track since Gaston. I do think the city responded better this time because of Gaston. They cleared out storm drains and put up signs early in regular trouble spots. Our side yard floods with every hard rain but the house has never flooded (knock on wood!) Even with Isabel, Gaston and now Ernesto. I worry more about trees coming down. The wind was pretty strong! I stayed wrapped up in the house all day Friday!
At 20.9.06,
Barb K said…
Dear Meg,
I am such a dunce for not checking on your blog more often! What a mess you had! Are you okay now? Thanks so much for your ongoing encouragement. I love how God puts random people together in such random ways. From your blog I went to Jessica who I believe serves with the same team Laurie was on in Queretero MX.
Hope all is well with you. You are a treasure.
In Him, still, Barb K.
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