Overdue Post
Nicaragua was awesome as usual. I will be posting some pictures soon. It was fun to surprise most of the kids (some of them already knew as my best friend's husband spilled the beans to Isamar and a couple other kids-I was REALLY not happy about that and for that and other reasons he is DEFINITELY not one of my favorite people) I got to be there for the week before and the week after Easter. The week before Easter was Semana Santa so the the kids were off from school. So we just hung out, played games, took pictures, studied for their exams, stuff like that. They went back to school the Tuesday after Easter so I helped out at the school my second week. I'd thought I would just be assisting the English teacher with his classes but he QUIT so I ended up teaching the English classes for 6th grade and up. That was an experience which deserves its own post! More about that later.
It's been really tough to be back here. I didn't have enough vacation time for my trip so I thought it would be unpaid leave but my boss told me if I wanted, they could pay me and I could make up the hours. So I have been coming in early, staying late, etc to start making up the hours. I still have a lot more to go, but it's worth it!
The day after I got home was the day of the shootings at Virginia Tech. That hit very close to home for me. I graduated from Tech in 1998 so it was so shocking that something like this could happen in such a beautiful and tranquil place that had been my home for 5 years. And so many questions now that we will never have answers to. All I can do is just pray for the victims, their family and friends, the students who went back, who didn't go back, who are trying to decide whether to go back, the alumni, the family of the shooter, everyone who was affected because so many people were affected. But I know that God is still there and He is still with the Hokie Nation, and even though we don't know why this happened, we can trust that He can bring something good from this.
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