Mis Pensamientos

“Someday all that’s crazy / All that’s unexplained / Will fall into place / And someday all that’s hazy / Through a clouded glass / Will be clear at last / And sometimes we’re just waiting / For someday.” -Nichole Nordeman, "Someday"

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I'm Back

I got in late Sunday night and just haven't felt like posting. This always happens whenever I get back from Nicaragua, I go through this depression. I am just not motivated to do anything, although I have a ton of stuff to do, laundry, cleaning, finishing unpacking, job searching (although I do have an interview on Monday). I just miss my friends and the kids so much. And, I am not going to be able to go back until Christmas, most likely.
I am hoping by May to be ready to move down to Nicaragua. If I can find a good TEFL program, by then I should be certified and that gives me plenty of time to figure out what to do with all my stuff (ship it? store it? sell it?) and find new tenants for my parents, since I am renting my townhouse from them.
I just don't know if a classroom-based TEFL program is better than an online one, or if it really mattters when it comes to getting a job. I just have been having a hard time finding a classroom-based program in my area. A friend I met in Nicaragua, who lives in Costa Rica, said she did a month-long class in Nicaragua that was awesome and she is now certified to teach English as a Foreign Language anywhere in the world, and the class is only $1500. But I can't afford to go to Costa Rica for a month and not have employment, so that's not really an option. There are some online courses that say they'll certify me to teach anywhere worldwide and the courses are only about $500, but I don't know if they'd be any less credible than a classroom-based course. So I have my research to do.
In the meantime, I'll be posting some of the pictures from my trip.


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