Still in Nicaragua
I am having a great time here and am not ready to come home. I love hanging out with the kids, helping them with their homework, playing jacks, sitting and talking with the older girls, picking mangoes and mamones, etc etc etc. Once I get home and have more time to write, I´ll do more detailed posts of everything that´s been going on at the orpahanage.
On Thursday we got a new kid at the orphanage. Daniela is 3 and she´d been found living on the streets in Managua. She is just precious and I so want to put her in my suitcase and bring her back to the States!
I spent a week at Ivonne´s house with her family and that was awesome. Ivonne, Pancho, Silvia and I have been to the movies a few times. The new theater at the Las Galerias mall is AWESOME! We sat in the VIP section for the Davinci Code and it was so great. It´s only like $7 for the non-matinee shows and you sit in these like LaZBoy recliners that have the footrest that come up and you can recline all the way back. I have not seen any movie theater that nice in the States. When we went to the Davinci Code, Arnaldo Aleman, the ex-President of Nicaragua, was sitting in the row behind us. I´d thought he was in jail or at least on house arrest because of corruption during his presidency (he stole LOTS of money) but apparently he can be out and about, he is just not allowed to leave the country.
So I have decided I think I am going to get my TEFL certification when I get back to the States and then move here to teach English. I think it will be easier to find work here if I can teach English, and getting my TEFL would probably be faster than getting certified to teach elementary school, and less expensive. So once I get back to the States, I have a lot of decisions to make.
Well, my internet time is almost up. Don´t know if I will be able to do another entry here before I come home, but I will give a more thorough update when I get home. Adios!
At 11.6.06,
JP and Jessica said…
Wow! I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Nicaragua, I'm SO happy for you that you get to be there now!! (Why is it sooo much more common to meet/see famous people in other countries?!)
At 15.8.06,
Anonymous said…
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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At 14.11.06,
Anonymous said…
Keep up the good work
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