I am late in posting this, but the other week I got a call from the detective working my burglary case and they actually made an arrest!! I was absolutely stunned since usually only like 13 % of break-ins are ever solved. It was some guy from my neighborhood. No one I know but the detective told me the guy was responsible for several neighborhood break-ins. He'd already pawned my stuff, which is a bummer but at least they caught the guy. I still think it was more than one person, but if so, maybe they guy they arrested will give up the others. The detetctive told me I might be getting a subpoena to testify against him in court, but that lots of time it doesn't even go to trial 'cause they'll plead guilty. I am just glad that they got him and that he won't be able to do this to anyone else. I am still bummed that it happened but I got my dog back , which was most important to me, and the other stuff is just, stuff.
In other news, I saw
The Departed this weekend and it is one of the BEST movies I have seen this year (and I have seen a LOT of movies this year.) Wow.
And next weekend I get to see
The Science of Sleep. I can't wait!!
At 24.10.06,
Gail said…
Meg, Hi I am Barb Kovacevich's sister Gail in Colorado. I was reading your comments and then went to your blog profile. Very cool. I have a dear friend at work who also LOVES Nicariga,(sorry about how I spelled it.) I told her about you and she wants to write you. Please write her. Her name is Carly and her email is
brightgreenjesuslover@yahoo.com . OK? She is very excited to share about her mission work there and said how right you are the people are so kind. Keep writting Barb too. Hope to meet you someday...Love in Jesus, Gail
At 5.11.06,
JP and Jessica said…
Hey Meg!
I will be praying about the Nicaraguan elections. Things can get pretty sticky during election times.
I hope you are doing well... glad they caught the burglar!
Are you going to Nicaragua again soon? I'm back to Honduras in 6 weeks!! I LOVE being here in Mexico, but I feel like my home is Tegus (which is weird since I lived the better part of 24 years in Oregon... but I think you understand!)
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