Pointless Post
I finally got my claim on my Renters insurance policy settled after the break-in, but then I discovered that more stuff had been taken. An MP3 player I'd only used once or twice since I bought it 3 years ago, my telephone (I'd gotten rid of my land line so I didn't even notice it was gone until I had to get my phone line reconnected for the new security system and went to look for the phone), a jewelry box that I'd bought in Nicaragua (it was handmade and really pretty), all my CDs that had my pictures from Nicaragua when I'd gotten them developed), and a stack of blank CDs. At least I can reopen my claim and add them back in, but I feel like such an idiot for not noticing they were gone until now.
I have decided I am getting one more tattoo. I am not sure when I will get it, but I want to get the Sancuanjoche, which is the national flower of Nicaragua, and the Guardabarranco, the national bird of Nicaragua. I'm getting Ivonne to design the tattoo for me. I think I'm going to get it on the back of my right shoulder.