So, Friday I went to court for the preliminary hearing of the guy who broke into my house this summer. He ended up pleading guilty to my burglary and a few others in the neighborhood. The prosecutor didn't offer him anything, so he got no deal, but I think he wanted to plead guilty to the "lesser" charges since he has some other pretty serious charges, and just focus his defense on the more serious ones I guess after he was arrested for my burglary and 4 or 5 others, he got out on bond and committed some more serious crimes. All together, he has 4 counts of Breaking and Entering w/ Intent to Commit a Felony, 5 counts of Grand Larceny (those were the 9 he pleaded guilty to); and then while he was out on bond he had 1 Conspire to Rob, 3 counts of Display/Use of a Firearm in Commission of a Felony, 2 counts of Robbery, 2 counts of Attempting to Rob and 1 count of Breaking and Entering with Attempt to Rob/Rape/Murder. So he could be looking at life sentences, at least for the firearms charges. I haven't gotten any of my stuff back yet, but I think some of it may have been recovered. My insurance paid me for it, so I would probably have to turn it in to my insurance company anyway. The prosecutor said I can go back to court for his sentencing in January if I want to, and I think I do. I never even got to see him Friday because he entered his plea before we had to testify. I did find out that he is 18 (as of June) so he is an adult and will be put away for a loooooooonnnnnnnnggg time!
I am just glad to have some closure to this, although I think it will be moreso after he is sentenced.
I am praying for him too because it's sad that at 18 he has made some really stupid decisions and as a result could end up spending the rest of his life in prison. I just have to remind myself that despite all this, God did make him and He loves him just as much as He loves me. That thought helps me not hold anger towards him in my heart. And I know that God has a plan and can even use prison to turn his life around. I hope he will be open to what God will be working on and that he will be able to turn things around. With the firearms charges, he could possibly get life in prison, but maybe he will get parole. I don't want to see someone rot in jail if there is a chance they can be rehabilitated and do something good with their lives.