I found out yesterday my best friend Ivonne has a new job starting tomorrow. I am so happy!
Neither she nor her husband Pancho has had a job since they left the orphanage at the end of September. It's been so stressful for them. They've been living with Ivonne's mom and helping out in the
pulperia they have at their house (that's kind of like a corner store that many people in Central America have and run out of their homes, selling soda, cookies, assorted toiletries, etc) but they haven't been able to find a permanent full-time job.
But almost 2 weeks ago, Ivonne interviewed for a job at a bank, in the Human Resources dept, and after going through 2 subsequent interviews, she found out Friday she got the job. I am just so relieved for her, because I know this means a lot. She and Pancho have had to give up so much so that they could get by and care for their daughter Andrea. Now they will be able to breathe a little easier and put more money into savings so they can buy the house they've been looking at.
Also, as part of the new job, Ivonne will get to study English for free! She is very excited about that, and has already asked me to help her practice.
So things are really looking up for my Nicaraguan family and that is such an answer to prayer!
Also, Andrea has her 1st day of school tomorrow. Their school year is from February thru November. She'll be in her 2nd year of preschool. She didn't quite finish a full year of her 1st year, because she started late and then had to leave school when Pancho and Ivonne left the orphanage, but now she can go back, and she's going to be at a really good school. That's exciting because this kid is WAY smart.
Scarily smart, and she talks way more than most 3-year-olds I know! :)